Meeting 2022 10 07 - CMPUT301F22T24/Team24App GitHub Wiki

Meeting Notes


  • villarre
  • shariatz
  • yliu30
  • prabhnoo
  • dennea
  • jgerun


  1. This is the first meeting, get familiar with how the meetings will be carried through.
  2. Start on and try to finish the Backlog.
  3. Distribute the works regarding UI mock-ups & storyboard sequences, object-oriented analysis (with CRC cards), and UML diagram (if required).
  4. Discuss the use of Github and how to solve difficulties of using Github for cooperation.

Discussion log:

The group decided on the work distribution for goal 3 as follows:

  1. Backlog: jgerun & yliu30
  2. Storyboard: villarre & shariatz & prabhnoo & dennea & jgerun
  3. CRC: villarre & shariatz & yliu30 & prabhnoo & dennea & jgerun Action Log:
  4. The Backlog file is completed with a story size and risk level evaluation on each story.
  5. The work distribution is decided and recorded in this meeting log.