Meeting 2022 10 07 - CMPUT301F22T24/Team24App GitHub Wiki
Meeting Notes
- villarre
- shariatz
- yliu30
- prabhnoo
- dennea
- jgerun
- This is the first meeting, get familiar with how the meetings will be carried through.
- Start on and try to finish the Backlog.
- Distribute the works regarding UI mock-ups & storyboard sequences, object-oriented analysis (with CRC cards), and UML diagram (if required).
- Discuss the use of Github and how to solve difficulties of using Github for cooperation.
Discussion log:
The group decided on the work distribution for goal 3 as follows:
- Backlog: jgerun & yliu30
- Storyboard: villarre & shariatz & prabhnoo & dennea & jgerun
- CRC: villarre & shariatz & yliu30 & prabhnoo & dennea & jgerun Action Log:
- The Backlog file is completed with a story size and risk level evaluation on each story.
- The work distribution is decided and recorded in this meeting log.