Presentation - CMPUT301F22T20/Team20 GitHub Wiki


  • Present the team
  • Tell the story behind your app, what makes it unique
    • You can spend more time on this
  • Questions might be asked while presenting to test some corner cases
    • Just present what we have built, hope for the best


  • 10 minutes long
  • Questions at the end of the presentation for 2-3 minutes
  • Test on the projector to see that this is working (USB-C connector to HDMI ?)
  • 2 people present to make it more efficient, one half each (?)
  • Presentation is marked by various TAs and the instructor


  1. What are some features you would want to implement in the future?
  • Login functionality to handle different users
  • Search bar for when the user has many ingredients
  • Dynamic groupings of ingredients based on location or category for example
    • Dividing the meal plan into recurring segments (dropdowns or different pages)
    • Ask the user which ingredients they did or didn't use after a meal plan day to automatically remove items from storage.
    • Highlight the day the user is on
  1. What was the most challenging part?
  • Time constraints
  • Understanding what the user really wants (specifying the user requirements, not a typical process where there are meetings and such)
  1. Cost (?) of the app?



Our TA sam says that "People eat a lot"... this is why we built our application. Give an idea of what our app is, how it is useful, and why is it unique. Talk a bit about the main screen and the nav-bar.


Give a purpose statement for each and a small flow for each of the following modules. Why would we use each section? Explain the data coming from and stored on the cloud.

  • Ingredients (Sid)
    • UNIQUE FEATURE: Expand ingredients to save space and ensure that user only deletes ingredients that they really want to delete
  • Recipes (Elena)
    • UNIQUE FEATURE: Show that we can add an image from the gallery or from your camera
  • Meal plan (Krizzia + Bouyan)
    • Explain our design of the meal plan and how it works, why did we make different meal plans for different days? More flexibility.
    • Recipe selection (explain that these are the recipes we have made)
    • Ingredient selection (either a new ingredient or an ingredient in storage)
    • UNIQUE FEATURE: Adding ingredients that are not in our storage
    • UNIQUE FEATURE: Different meal plans for different days
  • Shopping List (Alex + Ian)
    • UNIQUE FEATURE: Show the units conversion