Issue template - CMPUT301F22T20/Team20 GitHub Wiki

Issue Template


Describe what is to be done in the issue from the perspective of a user

Technical Details and Requirements

A more formal description of what is to be done in order to accomplish the goal set out by the description of the ticket

In bullet form, what is important to accomplish for this task: are there any constraints that need to be met? are there any implementation details that need to be a certain way?

Questions to be answered (should not be present by the time the ticket is ready)

Questions that we have when creating the issue. These are things that will need to be clarified with the customer before we start coding.

Depends on

  • Use (#ISSUE ID) in order to link the issues that this one depends on

Add Issue Context

There are other fields that need to be filled out when creating a ticket, notably:

  • A story point estimate (generally from 0.5-13 points, where 0.5 is a one-liner and 13 points is a multi-day project)
  • An issue category (Ingredients, Shopping Cart, etc.)
  • Tags
    • Sprint tags if the sprint in which we will accomplish this work is known
    • Feature, task, or bug flags based on the work to be accomplished in the issue
  • A risk level, which is an estimate of how much volatility is involved in the ticket and how important it is to complete. Risk becomes higher when we have less time to accomplish a task, when there is uncertainty in implementation, and when it is not simple to know how much time something will take to code.
  • A milestone (will we accomplish this by the midway stage or by the final-checkpoint)?