Meeting October 24, 2022 - CMPUT301F22T06/CMPUT301F22T06_team_project GitHub Wiki
Meeting to order at 5:18
Meeting closed at HH:MM
- Devin
- Kirk -- Remote
- Saheel
- Joel
- Shammy
- Kevin
SCRUM Meeting Minutes
Devin (headrick):
- What did you do?
Setup Fragments for All UI Started recycler view adapter for ingredients list - What are you going to do?
Finish rough ingredients list layout and ui Begin implementing ingredients list item add / edit - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
Shammy (mhsiddiq):
- What did you do?
UML updating diagram - What are you going to do?
Recipe Fragment and UI implementation - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
Busy schedule
Joel (jak1):
- What did you do?
Nothing\ - What are you going to do?
Open\ - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
Was catching up with other classes
Kirk (rieberg1):
- What did you do?
Nothing - What are you going to do?
Work on abstracting- ingredients Implement actual ingredient classes from abstraction - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\ Busy with classes & sickness
Saheel (saheel):
- What did you do?
Created DB for project
Setup android gradle and compiler to work with
Copied json from firebase
Created DB helpers for DB
One for ingredient , meal plan , recipes - What are you going to do?
Work on implementing DB backend data retrieval - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
Need recycler view adapter to get data from DB. Devin must finish implementation
Kevin (kshao):
- What did you do?
UML updated diagram\ Gather data for recipes and ingredients for testing plus stock - What are you going to do?
Mock up app how to sort a recycler view (comparators) - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
- Find a Color theme
- Gather image vector assets
- Rearrange wiki to include separate pages for UML, CRC, and Wireframe
- Think of edge cases for each user story
Determined how to organize Ingredients:
- Fruit
- Vegetable
- Meat
- Dairy
- Lipid
- Grain
- Spice
Determined how to organize recipes:
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Dessert