Meeting October 24, 2022 - CMPUT301F22T06/CMPUT301F22T06_team_project GitHub Wiki

Meeting to order at 5:18
Meeting closed at HH:MM


  • Devin
  • Kirk -- Remote
  • Saheel
  • Joel
  • Shammy
  • Kevin


SCRUM Meeting Minutes

Devin (headrick):

  1. What did you do?
    Setup Fragments for All UI Started recycler view adapter for ingredients list
  2. What are you going to do?
    Finish rough ingredients list layout and ui Begin implementing ingredients list item add / edit
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?

Shammy (mhsiddiq):

  1. What did you do?
    UML updating diagram
  2. What are you going to do?
    Recipe Fragment and UI implementation
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
    Busy schedule

Joel (jak1):

  1. What did you do?
  2. What are you going to do?
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
    Was catching up with other classes

Kirk (rieberg1):

  1. What did you do?
  2. What are you going to do?
    Work on abstracting- ingredients Implement actual ingredient classes from abstraction
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\ Busy with classes & sickness

Saheel (saheel):

  1. What did you do?
    Created DB for project
    Setup android gradle and compiler to work with
    Copied json from firebase
    Created DB helpers for DB
    One for ingredient , meal plan , recipes
  2. What are you going to do?
    Work on implementing DB backend data retrieval
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
    Need recycler view adapter to get data from DB. Devin must finish implementation

Kevin (kshao):

  1. What did you do?
    UML updated diagram\ Gather data for recipes and ingredients for testing plus stock
  2. What are you going to do?
    Mock up app how to sort a recycler view (comparators)
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?


  • Find a Color theme
  • Gather image vector assets
  • Rearrange wiki to include separate pages for UML, CRC, and Wireframe
  • Think of edge cases for each user story


Determined how to organize Ingredients:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetable
  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Lipid
  • Grain
  • Spice

Determined how to organize recipes:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Dessert
