Meeting Minutes Thursday Nov 17, 2022 - CMPUT301F22T06/CMPUT301F22T06_team_project GitHub Wiki

Meeting to order at 6:20
Meeting closed at 6:45


  • Devin
  • Kirk
  • Saheel
  • Joel
  • Shammy
  • Kevin


SCRUM Meeting Minutes

Devin (headrick):

  1. What did you do?
    Fixed duplication
  2. What are you going to do?
    Fix undo for deleted ingredient Comment code with javadocs Meal planner with 3rd party calendar app
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\

Shammy (mhsiddiq):

  1. What did you do?
    Sorting recyclerview for recipes thing (how to sort recipes)
  2. What are you going to do?
    Finish this recipe sorting Open to new assignment after this Modify UI for recyclerview items for all fragments
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\

Joel (jak1):

  1. What did you do?
    Splash screen working Progress bar with recipes working for DB fetch
  2. What are you going to do?
    Add progress to ingredients Modify UI for recyclerview items for all fragments Figure out why java docs generate wasn’t working
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\

Kirk (rieberg1):

  1. What did you do?
    Attempted recyclerview testing with espresso
  2. What are you going to do?
    Try to fix that Write DB tests with espresso (don’t need to check UI)
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\ Difficulties with espresso accessing specific recyclerview elements

Saheel (saheel):

  1. What did you do?
    Added user defined units, locations, category for ingredient and recipe categories UI and implementation Add edit recipe ingredient - dialog fragment now references ingredients from database Modified XML layouts to add button for user defined attributes
  2. What are you going to do?
    Add a new ingredient to an existing recipe in the DB Implement ability to modify number of an ingredient in a recipe
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\

Kevin (kshao):

  1. What did you do?
    Difficulties with ingredient duplication bug Helped saheel implement categories for recipes Fix and refine xml layouts for new user defined categories in ingredients.
  2. What are you going to do?
    Ingredient view for recipes does not show units or amount Add ability to take photo with camera of recipe How to add How to store a photo in DB with firestore Implement ability to modify number of an ingredient in a recipe
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\



  • testIngredient static arraylist was removed and all data referencing ingredients now must be handled with the recyclerViewAdapter
  • Recipes must be modified in this way as well.
