Meeting Minutes Monday Oct 31, 2022 - CMPUT301F22T06/CMPUT301F22T06_team_project GitHub Wiki

Meeting to order at 5:20pm
Meeting closed at 7:00pm


  • Devin
  • Kirk
  • Saheel
  • Joel
  • Shammy
  • Kevin


SCRUM Meeting Minutes

Devin (headrick):

  1. What did you do?
    YAML setup CI/CD now in github action working
  2. What are you going to do?
    Finish up ingredient add/edit integration with DB Implement a delete
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
    Lack of time (other classes)

Shammy (mhsiddiq):

  1. What did you do?
    UML modified to match current code bae
  2. What are you going to do?
    Finish modifying UML Open to any task after
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?

Joel (jak1):

  1. What did you do?
    Worked on UML UI bug fixes - button text cover resolved
  2. What are you going to do?
    Finish updating UML with Shammy, open to any task after
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?

Kirk (rieberg1):

  1. What did you do?
    Practice robotium UI testing - Decided not to use robotium Learn how to use espresso for intent testing with UI
  2. What are you going to do?
    Learn how to use espresso better - begin writing practice test cases
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\ Robotium was difficult to use with fragments and many methods are deprecated.

Saheel (saheel):

  1. What did you do?
    Implement recipe add / delete
  2. What are you going to do?
    Implement recipe retrieval from firestore
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?
    Stuck on working with recipe retrieval from DB

Kevin (kshao):

  1. What did you do?
    Fixed some bugs. Formatting errors and typos in the test Data Deleted some un-need code. Old calls to classes not used anymore etc
  2. What are you going to do?
    Test DB (firestore) send and retrieve ingredients
    Beging writing unit tests for DB interaction
  3. Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\


