Meeting Minutes Thursday Nov 24th - CMPUT301F22T06/CMPUT301F22T06_team_project GitHub Wiki
Meeting to order at 5:45\ Meeting closed at 6:15
- Devin
- Kirk
- Saheel
- Joel
- Shammy
- Kevin
SCRUM Meeting Minutes
Devin (headrick):
- What did you do?
Setup Meal planner UI calendar view Setup Meal planner Recycler view Refactor all of the code! Add java doc comments to many things. Tidy up code and clean up app structure w/ packages. - What are you going to do?
Create dummy meals for testing mealplannerUI and recyclerview
Modify recipe model class to use ingredient models
Finish method in meal model to return all ingredients in a meal
Setup meal db helper
Ensure mealplanner is working with firebase backend
Make method in db helper to return all ingredients of all meals that are in the future from todays date (used for shopping cart update)\ - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Shammy (mhsiddiq):
- What did you do?
When you have no ingredients - color of the list item changes - What are you going to do?
open - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Joel (jak1):
- What did you do?
Fought with javadoc generation - not working stil No longer required as per ken wong XML layout for recipes and ingredients updated to include description of txtview - What are you going to do?
Progressbar in ingredients is not stopping - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Kirk (rieberg1):
- What did you do?
Wrote a bunch of unit tests Refactored unit tests as per refactored code Added unit tests Ingredients, recipe user defined params Added some recipe add/edit intent tests in espresso - What are you going to do?
Test model and controller interactions UNIT tests - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Saheel (saheel):
What did you do?
Fixed adding ingredient to recipe bug Shopping list populator method Recipe Model changed to use actual ingredients Started modifying the Recipe DB helper to use actual ingredients -
What are you going to do?\
Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Kevin (kshao):
- What did you do?
Camera stuff is working now - take photo Attached with DB Exception handling for recipes and ingredients Cannot save new item if its missing params - What are you going to do?
Exception handling - ensuring user cannot add an item with invalid data - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
User define params need to be tied to database Redesign UI to allow user to click a button to add/delete/modify a user param Attach user defined params to DB. Make DB helper for user defined params (copy singleton pattern) Progress bar still loading for ingredients Scrolling through ingredients - anything that has zero amount - intermittent Expired ingredient - when an ingredient Remove white spaces at end of any textView
Comments from the TA
Meeting with TA: cannot record a video
suggestion : 2 emulators to show real time data updating
Presentation: - 10 minutes long,presentation + 2-3min for setup, 2-3mins for QA after (not included in presentation time)
Slideshow with team members, features.
Have every team member present
Be prepared to show test cases incase
Ken likes to surprise people : he will ask for us to do something specific like add a ton of characters to a text view or something\
For unit test: testing getters and setters is NOT ENOUGH - Add stuff to a list, check its in the list, check business rules. I.e. shopping cart can only be filled if ingredients exist in storage
Part 4 rubric - same as part 3. + final demo (worth 10% - easy to follow, tells a story, realistic data No mis spellings during the presentation . Clear vocals . Eye contact. Concise responses to questions ) .\
Acceptance criteria / Pre conditions : What state does the system need to be in before the user story requirement can be done I.e. Creating shopping cart: There must be ingredients , recipes, in DB