Meeting Minutes Monday Nov 21st - CMPUT301F22T06/CMPUT301F22T06_team_project GitHub Wiki
Meeting to order at 5:45 Meeting closed at 6:10
- Devin
- Kirk
- Saheel
- Joel
- Shammy
- Kevin
SCRUM Meeting Minutes
Devin (headrick):
- What did you do?
Setup the meal planner and shopping card UI - What are you going to do?
Finish setting up the meal planner UI. Implement the meal model class. Refactor and clean up all app code. - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Shammy (mhsiddiq):
- What did you do?
Sort recipes and UI majority working nicely - looks cleaner - What are you going to do?
Finish UI modification Highlight Ingredient when amount is zero - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Joel (jak1):
- What did you do?
Progress bar for recipes DB fetch working Resolved github and android IDE issues - What are you going to do?
Look into Javadoc generate error Check each ingredient expiry date, and if over set amount to zero - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Kirk (rieberg1):
- What did you do?
Learning how to do DB tests with espresso - What are you going to do?
Model class tests Setu unit testing skeletons - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Saheel (saheel):
- What did you do?
Recipe types are not hardcoded classes anymore Recipe categories are now just an arraylist - What are you going to do?
Fix recipe model class to use - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Kevin (kshao):
- What did you do?
Worked with saheel on unit location, category of ingredients Recipe types are not hardcoded classes anymore Setup Camera working with app (external intents) - What are you going to do?
Cant edit ingredient or recipe name after creation Default ingredient is 1 - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Implement add ingredients to the shopping cart if the existing ingredient list does not have enough for the meals in the meal planner. Saheel
Save images to firestore (figure out how) Recipe categories have to be stored in DB Ingredients categories, locations, units, need to be stored in DB Change text prompts in recipe UI to hints Fix Recipe Add/edit UI to look better (scrollview) Recipe model class should reference the actual ingredient from the adapter Comment the recipe app partitions Dark mode breaks the app Photo keeps turning 90 degrees clockwise
Unit / Location / ingredient category / recipe type CANNOT BE DELETED IF THEY’RE IN AN INGREDIENT
Espresso tests can be recorded via recording live actions with the emulator and the associated code is generated automatically