Meeting Minutes Monday Nov 14th, 2022 - CMPUT301F22T06/CMPUT301F22T06_team_project GitHub Wiki
Meeting to order at 5:15
Meeting closed at 5:30
- Devin
- Kirk
- Saheel
- Joel
- Shammy
- Kevin
SCRUM Meeting Minutes
Devin (headrick):
- What did you do?
Sort ingredients via attributes - What are you going to do?
Finish ingredient sorting Shopping list UI and fragment setup and implementation - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Shammy (mhsiddiq):
- What did you do?
Changes app theme colors for ingredient and recipes. Submitted PR - What are you going to do?
Open - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Joel (jak1):
- What did you do?
Splash screen working on app startup Background recyclerview in ingredients - What are you going to do?
Add animations (progress bar) for when data being fetched from DB - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Kirk (rieberg1):
- What did you do?
Nothing over reading break - What are you going to do?
Fix existing intent cases for ingredient Write edge case handling for ingredient CRUD - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Saheel (saheel):
- What did you do?
Nothing over reading week - What are you going to do?
Begin implementing where user can define locations and categories - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Kevin (kshao):
- What did you do?
Deleting recipes is working now Adding recipes is working now Begin work on editing recipes - What are you going to do?
Recipes can only be added and deleted BUT Category and ingredient items cannot be edited in existing recipes - Is anything stopping you from doing this work?\
Kirk - desktop emulator crashes when ingredient is deleted. Invalidate cache Check if it crashes on laptop Joel - Didnt see changes in ingredient item in DB Local recyclerview changes locally but not in firestore db - Name not changing locally though Check if its a version problem with main\
Need to inform the user if there is no internet connection and warn them not to edit anything./ Set default ingredient amount to 1 when adding new ingredient.
Checked the user stories and requirements, noted nothing has changed since sept 26th