Meeting on 2022.11.27 - CMPUT301F22T03/JoyfulMealPlanning GitHub Wiki

27th Nov. 2022


  • Fan Zhu
  • Yuxuan Yang
  • Mashiad Hasan
  • Xiangxu Meng
  • Zhaoqi Ma
  • Qiaosong Deng


Decide everyone's responsibility during the final representation.


Due to Fan zhu getting a fever, two scenarios are designed depending on Fan zhu's showing up.

Scenario 1 (Fan show up):

  • Fan - Login Activity + MainActivity;
  • Zhaoqi - Ingredient + Recipe Activity;
  • Mashiad - Presentation intro;
  • Qiaosong - ShoppingList Activity;
  • Yuxuan - MealPlan Activity;
  • Xiangxu - ending the presentation and some of Q&A

Scenario 2 (Fan does not show up):

  • Zhaoqi - Ingredient + Recipe Activity;
  • Mashiad - Presentation intro and end;
  • Qiaosong - ShoppingList Activity;
  • Yuxuan - MealPlan Activity;
  • Xiangxu - Login Activity + Main Activity;
  • everyone is responsible for Q&A;

Action Items

  • Slides for presentation is updated