Meeting on 2022.10.29 - CMPUT301F22T03/JoyfulMealPlanning GitHub Wiki

29th Oct. 2022


  • Fan Zhu
  • Yuxuan Yang
  • Mashiad Hasan
  • Xiangxu Meng
  • Zhaoqi Ma
  • Qiaosong Deng


  • Work allocation for Part 3
  • Implementation of UI tests
  • Implementation of unit tests
  • Completion of RecipeActivity
  • Completion of UML Diagram
  • Troubleshooting of EditRecipe Fragment


  1. Zhaoqi is assigned to develop the Ingredient and Recipe activity, where the Ingredient activity is almost complete.
  2. Yuxuan will rename the content.xml file in case of confusion.
  3. Qiaosong is implementing and debugging the ShoppingList Activity. He will take a break from the task this weekend.
  4. Mashiad will take charge of the unit tests.
  5. Fan will wrap up the UML Diagram and implement the UI tests along with Xiangxu
  6. Yuxuan brought up the problem with the redundant buttons in the EditRecipe Fragment. We will leave it at that for the time being.
  7. We will put off the implementation of sorting methods until the final checkpoint.
  8. US 01.05.01 is done.
  9. Fan will start on the meeting log.

Action Items

  • Presentation of the project to the TA
  • Unit/UI tests
  • Completion of UML Diagram
  • Redundant buttons in the EditRecipe activity
  • Debugging of the ShoppingList Activity