Meeting on 2022.10.07 - CMPUT301F22T03/JoyfulMealPlanning GitHub Wiki



  • Mashiad
  • Zhaoqi
  • Qiaosong
  • Fan
  • Xiangxu
  • Yuxuan


  1. This is the first meeting, get familiar with how the meetings will be carried through.
  2. Start on and try to finish the Backlog.
  3. Distribute the works regarding UI mock-ups & storyboard sequences, object-oriented analysis (with CRC cards), and UML diagram (if required).

Discussion log:

  1. Mashiad, Fan, and Qiaosong discussed and suggested the results for Ingredient Storage stories.
  2. Mashiad, Fan, Qiaosong, and Yuxuan discussed and suggested the results for Recipes stories.
  3. The team decided to complete the whole document and then choose the best story entries.
  4. Mashiad, Fan, Qiaosong, and Yuxuan discussed and suggested the results for Recipes stories.
  5. Mashiad, Fan, Qiaosong, Yuxuan, and Zhaoqi discussed and suggested the results for Meal Plan stories.
  6. Mashiad, Fan, Qiaosong, Yuxuan, and Zhaoqi discussed and suggested the results for Shopping List stories.
  7. Mashiad and Zhaoqi suggested that the first 5 stories should be used to complete the first checkpoint. The team agreed.
  8. Everyone in the team expressed opinions on whether “As a meal planner, I want to sort the list of ingredients by description, best before date, location, and ingredient category” should be included, the team decides on to include it and try it first. If it can be implemented before the first deadline, then all stories of the Ingredient Storage are implemented. If it is too time-consuming, the team shall think of an alternative story by then and request the change.
  9. Qiaosong suggested that we should choose the UI-related, fundamental stories to implement first so that other stories can be built on top of these implementations later. Zhaoqi helped with explaining this idea. The team agreed and restarted the story-selection process.
  10. Qiaosong has chosen 5 UI-related fundamental stories. Everyone agreed.
  11. The group decided on the rest 5.
  12. Discussions for goals 1 and 2 are finished.
  13. The group decided on the work distribution for goal 3 as follows: UI mockup & storyboard: Fan & Qiaosong CRC: Mashiad & Zhaoqi UML: Xiangxu & Yuxuan The sub-teams shall cross-check each other after the works are mostly finished so that everyone has a chance to participate in every subject.
  14. Zhaoqi recorded the discussion log.

Action Log:

  1. The Backlog file is completed with a story size and risk level evaluation on each story.
  2. The stories that are considered UI-related and fundamental are marked.
  3. The 10 stories that require implementation before the first checkpoint are chosen and marked.
  4. The work distribution is decided and recorded in this meeting log.