User Interface Mockups and Storyboard - CMPUT301F17T13/cat-is-a-dog GitHub Wiki

User Interface Mockups and Storyboard

Non-trivial Storyboard - Adding a Habit Event

Login Interface

Allows the user to login to the app. The google button was taken from the following website:

Habit Summary Interface (three screens: My Habits, Todo, Following)

Use Case # UC 01.01 - CreateHabit
Use Case # UC 01.05 - GetMyHabits
Use Case # UC 01.06 - GetToDoHabits
Use Case # UC 01.07 - GetFollowingHabits

My Habits: The coloured circles are visual indicators for each habit. The floating plus button can be used to create a new habit.

Todo: The Add Habit Event button can be pressed to create a habit event for that habit.

Following: Summary of each user's habits that the current user is following.

Habit Details Interface

Use Case # UC 01.02 -- ViewHabit

Presents the habit details to the user.

Add Habit Interface

Use Case # UC 01.01 -- CreateHabit

Allows the user to enter the details for a new Habit. Selected days will have a red background. The checkmark can be tapped to save the new Habit.

Edit Habit Interface

Use Case # UC 01.03 -- EditHabit
Use Case # UC 01.04 -- DeleteHabit

Allows the user to edit the details for an existing habit. Pressing the trash can button will delete the Habit.

Habit History Interface

Use Case # UC 03.01 -- ViewHabitHistory
Use Case # UC 03.05 -- FilterHabitHistoryByLocation

Shows the user's habit history and attaches each event to a map. Pressing the search icon will open the Habit History Search Interface.

Habit History Search Interface

Use Case # UC 03.01 -- ViewHabitHistory
Use Case # UC 03.04 -- FilterHabitHistoryByComment
Use Case # UC 03.03 -- FilterHabitHistoryByHabit
Use Case # UC 03.02 -- FilterHabitHistoryByUserType

Allows the user to search for Habit Events, by comment, by habit name, or by user name.

Add Habit Event Interface

Use Case # UC 02.01 -- AddHabitEvent

Allows the user to add a new Habit Event for a specific Habit. An optional GPS location and image can also be added to the Habit Event.

Habit Event Details Interface

Use Case # UC 02.02 -- ViewHabitEvent
Use Case # UC 02.04 -- DeleteHabitEvent

Allows the user to view an existing Habit Event for a specific Habit.

Edit Habit Event Interface

Use Case # UC 02.03 -- EditHabitEvents

Allows the user to edit an existing Habit Event for a specific Habit.

User Friends Interface

Use Case # UC 04.01 -- ViewUsersList
Use Case # UC 04.02 -- RequestFollow

Presents the user's followers and the list of users that are followed. Clicking the follow button will send a follow request to that user.

User Follow Request Interface

Use Case # UC 04.04 -- AcceptFollow

Presents the user with a list of follow requests. Clicking on the checkmark will accept the follow request and the cross will reject the follow request.

User Search Interface

Use Case # UC 04.02 -- RequestFollow

Allows the user to search for verified users of the app. Clicking the follow button will send a follow request to that user.

Notes and clarifications

  • Left hamburger menu is the same on every screen