Software Reuse - CMPUT301F17T13/cat-is-a-dog GitHub Wiki
The Habits Tracker uses code from 3rd party libraries. Here are the libraries and their reason for usage:
- Firebase: the Google authentication and cloud data store is handled by Firebase. It is a cross-platform backend platform suited for mobile and web development.
- JUnit: our unit tests for model classes are run with JUnit.
- Espresso: our UI tests are run with Espresso, an Android tool.
- Butterknife: we use Butterknife to simplify linkages between view IDs and View objects in code.
- Joda Time: we use Joda Time instead of Java date and time classes to handle storage and manipulation of date objects.
- Weekdays Buttons Bar: a UI widget for selecting days of the week.
- Android-GraphView: a library for programmatically creating graphs, such as a line, bar, and scatter