Storyboard and Mock up - CMPUT301F16T01/Carrier GitHub Wiki

[1. Story board] (

[2. Mockup] (

Story board

We have a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in git [here] (

We have a pdf version [here] (

Mock up

We used [ninjamock] ( to make our mockups. You have the choice of going to the website and clicking on the actual buttons or looking at a pdf.

To get the pdf go here

  • There are little lines and numbers which indicate which buttons take you to which screens.

To get clickable version from ninjamock I first need to share the project with you. I have shared it with Eddie.

  • Go into your email and find the one I sent you inviting you to the project
  • Accept invite
  • Click log in or create account
  • Click Mandy Meindersma
  • Click CARrier Revision
  • Click the green preview button in the top right
  • Make sure you are on the first screen (leftmost one) and then you can start clicking your way around!