Grading for Part 5 - CMPUT301F16T01/Carrier GitHub Wiki

Grading Schema (How to get a full 20 marks): *and a bonus mark for video

#Addressing Feedback: (0) Excellent: All addressed, well addressed, consistent (-1) Good: Mostly addressed, well addressed, some inconsistency

Code Base:

(3) Excellent: Excellent effort, Relatively consistent, Base requirements complete, New requirements complete, Synchronized with Use Cases, UML, and Tests, Clean code (2) Good: Good quality, Some inconsistency, Base requirements complete, New requirements complete, Synchronized with Use Cases, UML, and Tests

Tangible Demo:

(3) Excellent: Demoable, clear, realistic test inputs (2) Good: Demoable, rough edges, realistic test inputs

Code Documentation:

(3) Excellent: Consistent, easy to interpret, major functions documented (2) Good: Mostly Consistent, 3rd party could understand, major functions documented

Test Cases:

(3) Excellent: Test exist and run, clearly comprehensive, tests for every use case pass (2) Good: Tests exist and run, some inconsistency, implemented for every use case


(3) Excellent: Model Class Obvious, data Classes Obvious, smells MVCish, clearly models important entities, diagrams well labelled, design patterns obvious, synchronized with code (2) Good: Model Class Obvious, data Classes Obvious, smells MVCish, clearly models important entities, some inconsistency, design patterns used, synchronized with code

Release Planning:

(0.5) Excellent: Clear planning, realistic / Achievable (0.5) Good: Obvious planning with inconsistency

Reuse Statement:

(0.5) Excellent: Complete, consistent, approved reuse (0.5) Good: Some incompleteness, some inconsistency, approved reuse

Tool Practices:

(1) Team members commit to Git/Wiki regularly (1) Inconsistent but frequent use among team

Video Demo: BONUS

(1) Video demonstrates the application well and serves to promote it (1) Video demonstrates the app but somewhat unclear