Grading for Part 2 - CMPUT301F16T01/Carrier GitHub Wiki

Grading Schema (How to get a full 6 marks):


(0.5) Excellent: Domain is established, Glossary is clear, Has external references (0.5) Good: Like excellent but missing something.

Release Planning:

(0.5) Excellent: Clear planning and realistic/achievable goals (0.5) Good: Obvious planning with inconsistency

User Interface Mockup and Storyboard:

(2) Excellent: Consistent, Storyboards, UI layouts, Covers important use cases, Displays understanding of story boarding (1.5) Good: Mostly consistent, Lacking in some aspect that does not denote excellence.

Requirements Specification:

(3) Excellent: Numbered use cases, tests per use cases, comprehensive use cases, clearly demonstrates the application of Requirements Specification (2): Inconsistency exists but like excellent. (1): Lacking some use cases