Code Re Use - CMPUT301F16T01/Carrier GitHub Wiki

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File Name
1 Method Name
Retrieved on:

1 setAddress
Source: Split Java String by New Line
Author: cletus
Posted on: January 18th, 2016
Retrieved on: November 27th, 2016


1 ConnectionChecker
Source: Determining and Monitoring the Connectivity Status
Author: Android Dev Docs
Retrieved on: November 13th, 2016
2 ConnectionChecker
Source: AsyncTask
Author: Android Dev Docs
Retrieved on: November 24, 2016
3 ConnectionChecker
Source: HttpURLConnection
Author: Android Dev Docs
Retrieved on: November 24, 2016
4 ConnectionChecker
Source: HttpURLConnection is throwing exception
Author: Raghunandan
Posted on: March 19th, 2013
Retrieved on: November 24, 2016


1 getRoadAsync, UpdateRoadTask
Source: OSMDroidBonuspack Tutorial_0
Author: MKergall
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016
2 getRoadAsync, UpdateRoadTask
Source: OSMBonuspack RoadManager NetworkOnMainThreadException
Author: yubaraj poudel
Posted on: August 6th, 2016
Retrieved on: November 10th, 2016
3 zoomToBounds
Source: OSMDroid: zooming to show the whole PathOverlay
Author: theBugger
Posted on: September 30th, 2016
Retrieved on: November 24th, 2016
4 getView (to fix in code)
Source: Adding "..." at the end of a textview if it is too long
Author: Santhosh Shettigar
Posted on: December 23rd, 2011
Retrieved on: November 13th, 2016


1 getEstimate
Source: How much does Uber cost? Uber fare estimator
Author: Dough
Retrieved on: November 1st, 2016


1 R.layout.activity_help_legend
Source: Android: Textview drawable how to change padding between drawable and text?
Author: ssantos
Posted on: October 14th, 2013
Retrieved on: November 2nd, 2016


1 onRequestPermissionsResult, checkPermissions
Source: Requesting Permissions at Run Time
Author: Android Dev Docs
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016
2 onRequestPermissionsResult, checkPermissions
Source: Implement scroll up in ListView but refresh when at top
Author: Twibit and iamlukeyb
Posted on: October 10th, 2014
Retrieved on: November 16th, 2016


1 RepeatUpdater, setButtons
Source: Continuously increase integer value as the button is pressed
Author: Yar
Posted on: October 29th, 2011
Retrieved on: November 5th, 2016
2 onActivityResult
Source: How to pass data from 2nd activity to 1st activity when pressed back?
Author: ρяσѕρєя K
Posted on: January 12th, 2013
Retrieved on: November 7th, 2016


1 Manifest
Source: How to disable rotating to landscape mode?
Author: TronicZomB
Posted on: August 12th, 2013
Retrieved on: November 13th, 2016


1 getEstimate
Source: Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values
Author: user2512642
Posted on: June 22nd, 2013
Retrieved on: October 31st, 2016

1 Constructor
Source: Getting activity from context in android
Author: Boris Strandjev
Posted on: March 27th, 2012
Retrieved on: November 24th, 2016


1 getAddress
Source: osmdroid bonus pack reverse geolocation
Author: cristina
Posted on: October 6th, 2014
Retrieved on: November 11th, 2016


1 getRoadAsync, UpdateRoadTask
Source: OSMDroidBonuspack Tutorial_0
Author: MKergall
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016
2 getRoadAsync, UpdateRoadTask
Source: OSMBonuspack RoadManager NetworkOnMainThreadException
Author: yubaraj poudel
Posted on: August 6th, 2016
Retrieved on: November 10th, 2016
3 zoomToBounds
Source: OSMDroid: zooming to show the whole PathOverlay
Author: theBugger
Posted on: September 30th, 2016
Retrieved on: November 24th, 2016


1 searchByKeyword
Source: Dialogs
Author: Android Dev Docs
Retrieved on: October 28th, 2016


1 onCreate
Source: Use “ENTER” key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button
Author: Nailuj
Posted on: December 15th, 2010
Retrieved on: November 24th, 2016
2 hideKeyboard
Source: Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard
Author: Reto Meier
Posted on: September 11th, 2015
Retrieved on: November 24th, 2016


1 onActivityResult
Source: How to pass data from 2nd activity to 1st activity when pressed back?
Author: ρяσѕρєя K
Posted on: January 12th, 2013
Retrieved on: November 7th, 2016
2 onCreate, onStart, onStop
Source: Getting the last known location
Author: Android Developer Docs
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016
3 onRequestPermissionsResult
Source: Requesting Permissions at Run Time
Author: Android Developer Docs
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016
4 longPressHelper, singleTapConfirmedHelper
Source: OSMDroidBonuspack Tutorial_0
Author: MKergall
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016
5 getCurrentLocation
Source: Maps Permissions
Author: antonio
Posted on: June 23rd, 2016
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016

1 callPhone
Source: make a phone call click on a button
Author: Shaista Naaz
Posted on: March 23rd, 2011
Retrieved on: November 21st, 2016
2 emailUser
Source: Sending Email from Android app when click on button
Author: localhost
Posted on: February 12th, 2014
Retrieved on: November 21st, 2016
3 hideKeyboard
Source: Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard
Author: Reto Meier
Posted on: September 11th, 2015
Retrieved on: November 24th, 2016


1 getRoadAsync, UpdateRoadTask
Source: OSMDroidBonuspack Tutorial_0
Author: MKergall
Retrieved on: November 9th, 2016
2 getRoadAsync, UpdateRoadTask
Source: OSMBonuspack RoadManager NetworkOnMainThreadException
Author: yubaraj poudel
Posted on: August 6th, 2016
Retrieved on: November 10th, 2016
3 zoomToBounds
Source: OSMDroid: zooming to show the whole PathOverlay
Author: theBugger
Posted on: September 30th, 2016
Retrieved on: November 24th, 2016

Code reuse permissions:

Stack Overflow contributions are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 with the requirement of attribution. In no way is our team endorsed by Stack Overflow or the authors of any question/response on Stack Overflow.

osmbonuspack is licensed under LGPL-3.0 as noted here. LGPL code is compatible with the GPL license used for this project. Because all source code is public, we meet the LGPL requirements of making borrowed/modified source code visible to users.

Android Developer source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License as noted here. GPLv3 licenses are compatible with Apache 2.0 software and are absorbed to be under the GPLv3 license in this work.

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