Project Part 4 Feedback - CMPUT301F12T06/classproject GitHub Wiki
Code base of prototype: Good 2/3
The team implemented all the use cases in second stage and finished the whole project in good quality. There are some minor issues in the current application. For instance, I cannot add tasks when the phone is offline. I also noticed that once I defined a task, I could not edit or delete the task. These functions were not mentioned in the project description but I think it is reasonable to have all these implemented for the users.
Demo: Excellent 3/3
The team had a successful live demo. Good work.
Code documentation: Excellent 3/3
The team have improved the javadoc and code comments. Easy to understand.
Test cases: Good 2/3
Test cases have been improved but still have some inconsistency. The manual tests should have been implemented in the unit testing.
OOD: Excellent 2/2
Diagram looks good.
Release planning: Excellent 1/1
Release planning is clear and realistic.
Addressing feedback: Excellent 1/1
All the feedback was addressed properly.
Refactoring: Excellent 2/2
The refoctoring is documented and explained thoroughly.
Requirements specification: Satisfactory 1/3
The team documented the use cases they implemented. But in project part 4, 5 new use cases should be documented.
Video demo: Excellent 2/2
The video is really good.