Division of work - CMPUT301F12T06/classproject GitHub Wiki
- Add some styling for the "button pressed" and "currently selected" buttons (MOVED TO PHASE 3)
- Skeleton Code (COMPLETE)
- Add the update method for each view and extend Observer (COMPLETE)
- Navigation Between Activities (THOMAS < quote >ACCIDENTALLY< /quote > DID THIS)
- JUnit tests for JSONServer (COMPLETE)
- Add a ScrollView to every View to fix the issue with horizontal view (COMPLETE)
- Add ProgressDialogs when retrieving and adding a task and using the JSON Server (COMPLETE)
- Updating the UML to reflect our changes (COMPLETE)
- Add index to the use cases you will implement in each stage in release planning. (from feedback) (COMPLETE)
- Local Storage (COMPLETE)
- Tasks (AddTaskView (COMPLETE), TaskView (COMPLETE), Task (COMPLETE) )
- Public Task ListView for MainActivityView (COMPLETE)
- ListView for viewing info in a Task such as submissions (COMPLETE)
- Redesign storyboard and show visual based flow (from feedback) (COMPLETE)
- Take all the hard coded string error messages and put them into res/values/strings.xml (COMPLETE)
- Submissions (AddSubmissionsView, SubmissionViewActivity, Submission) (COMPLETE)
- Put the special terminology in the application domain here too and make a clear glossary. (COMPLETE)
- Have compiled javadoc in your repo; (COMPLETE - Benson did it)
- Viewing a submission (COMPLETE)
- Photo Capture (under submissions) (COMPLETE)
- Photo ListView under submissions. Populate it (COMPLETE)
- Text Entry for submissions (SMS was sent to you) (COMPLETE)
- Design the test cases for the use cases you organized other than all the use cases in the project description. (COMPLETE)
provide android junit test cases for your implementation.(GUI Testing not in Part 3 Project Description)
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