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GCN Kernel Machine State

This chapter is describing the state of the machine compliant with GCN 1.0/1.1/1.2.

Table with available registers:

Name Long name Size Description
PC Program counter 40 bits Current instruction address in memory
V0-V255 VGPR 32 bits Vector general purpose register
S0-S103 SGPR 32 bits Scalar general purpose register (GCN 1.0/1.1)
S0-S101 SGPR 32 bits Scalar general purpose register (GCN 1.2)
S0-S103 SGPR 32 bits Scalar general purpose register (GCN 1.4)
LDS Local Data Share 32 kB Local Data Share memory (R/W)
EXEC Execute Mask 64-bits One bit of that mask control execution for one lane
EXECZ Execute Is Zero 1 bit Set if EXEC mask is zero
VCC Vector Condition Code 64-bits Bit mask with bit per lane
VCCZ VCC Is zero 1 bit Set if VCC is zero
SCC Scalar Condition Code 1 bit Condition code for scalar operations
FLAT_SCRATCH Flat scratch address 64 bits The base address of scratch memory (GCN 1.1 or later)
XNACK_MASK Address Trans. Failure 64 bits Bit indicates failure of address translation. Carrizo APU only
STATUS Status 32 bits Read-only status register
MODE Mode 32 bits R/W mode register
M0 Memory Register 32-bit Additional register that used in various cases
TRAPSTS Trap Status 32 bits Holds information about exceptions and pending traps.
TBA Trap Base Address 64 bits Pointer to current trap handler program
TMA Trap Memory Address 64 bits Temporary register for shader operations.
TTMP0-TTMP11 Trap Temporary SGPRs 32 bits SGPRs only to the Trap Handler for temp. storage.
VMCNT VM Instruction Count 4 bits Counts the number of not completed VM instructions
EXPCNT Export Count 3 bits
LGKMCNT LDS, GDS, Kmem, Message Count 5 bits Counts the number of LDS, GDS, K mem and message instrs.

Initial vector registers

First three vector registers hold local ids for each dimension.

Scalar registers layout

The user data registers hold execution setup (global offset, pointers, arguments pointers, the same arguments). User data can allow to pass any constant data to kernel from host. The register 1-5 bits of PGM_RSRC2 indicates how many first scalar registers hold user data. Further scalar registers store group id and it are different for every wavefront. Number of that registers determined from number of enabled dimensions (fields TGID_X_EN, TGID_Y_EN and TGID_Z_EN in PGM_RSRC2). Next scalar registers is TG_SIZE value and scratch buffer wave offset (for handling scratch buffer). Last allocated SGPR's are VCC, FLAT_SCRATCH and XNACK_MASK, depending on GCN architecture. Following table is depicting layout of SGPR's:

First register Number of registers Description
SGPR0 number of user data registers User data registers
next SGPR number of enabled dimensions Group Id
next SGPR 1 if TGSIZE_EN enabled TGSIZE
next SGPR 1 if SCRATCH enabled Scratch wave offset
SGPR[N-6] 2 registers FLAT_SCRATCH (GCN 1.2)
SGPR[N-4] 2 registers XNACK_MASK (GCN 1.2) or FLAT_SCRATCH (GCN 1.1)
SGPR[N-2] 2 registers VCC

Note: N - number of allocated SGPR's.

STATUS Register

Table of fields for STATUS Register:

Bits Name Description
1 SCC Scalar condition code
1-2 SPI_PRIO Wavefront priority set by SPI while creating wave
3-4 WAVE_PRIO Wavefront priority set by the shader program
5 PRIV Privileged mode
6 TRAP_EN Indicates that trap handler is present
7 TTRACE_EN Indicates whether thread trace is enabled for this wavefront
9 EXECZ Set if EXEC is zero
10 VCCZ Set if VCC is zero
11 IN_TG Set if workgroup is greater than one wavefront
12 IN_BARRIER Set if wavefront waiting for barrier
13 HALT Wavefront is halted or scheduled to halt
14 TRAP Wavefront will be entered to trap handler as soon as possible
15 TTRACE_CU_EN Enables/disables thread trace for this compute unit (CU)
16 VALID Wavefront is active
17 ECC_ERR An ECC error has occurred
19 PERF_EN Performance counters enabled for this wavefront
20 COND_DBG_USER Conditional debug indicator for user mode
21 COND_DBG_SYS Conditional debug indicator for system mode
22 ALLOW_REPLAY Indicates that ATC replay is enable
23 INST_ACC ???
24-26 DISPATCH_CACHE_CTRL Indicates the cache policies for this dispatch

MODE Register

Table of fields for STATUS Register:

Bits Name Description
0-3 FP_ROUND Set round modes for single and double precision
4-7 FP_DENORM Set denormal mode for single and double precision
8 DX10_CLAMP Treat NaNs as In DX10 mode (used by vector ALU)
9 IEEE IEEE mode ???
10 LOD_CLAMPED Sticky bit for LOD clamping
11 DEBUG Forces the wavefront to jump to exception handler
12-18 EXCP_EN Enable mask for exceptions
27 GPR_IDX_EN GPR index enable (only for GCN 1.2)
29-31 CSP Conditional branch stack pointer

The single floating point rounding mode is controlled by 0-1 bits in MODE register. A rounding mode for double precision and half precision is controlled by 2-3 bits. List of possible values:

Value Description
0 Nearest to even
1 +Infinity
2 -Infinity
3 Toward zero

The denormal mode for single precision controlled by 4-5 bits in MODE register. The 6-7 bits of MODE register controls denormal mode for double precision and half precision operations. List of possible values:

Value Description
0 flush input and output denormals
1 allow input denormals, flush output denormals
2 flush input denormals, allow output denormals
3 allow input and output denormals

The initial value of FP_ROUND and FP_DENORM fields (first 8 bits in MODE register) can be given by including .floatmode pseudo-operation.

GPR indexing mode (GCN 1.2)

The GCN 1.2 introduces the GPR indexing mode that facilitate usage of indexing in VGPR's. The bit 27 in MODE register indicates whether this mode is enabled. The M0 register holds index and mode of GPR indexing. If this mode will be enabled then this index will be added to index of specified VGPR used in vector instruction. The mode specifies to which operand of vector instruction a GPR index will be added. If sum of GPR index and VGPR register index beyond last available VGPR register or this is not a VGPR register (SGPR or other), then operand register will be substituted by V0 register.

The lowest 8 bits of M0 register holds the GPR index. The 12-15 bits holds GPR indexing mode. The GPR indexing mode bits table:

Bit Description
0 Apply GPR indexing to VSRC0 operand
1 Apply GPR indexing to VSRC1 operand
2 Apply GPR indexing to VSRC2 operand
3 Apply GPR indexing to VDST operand