Installing Arduino IDE on your laptop - CIDRL/Developing-and-Designing-Interactive-Devices GitHub Wiki
You can use the official Arduino IDE to program your Arduino directly from your laptop. We use the desktop Arduino IDE and not the Web Editor.
Install Arduino IDE
Download the Arduino IDE for your laptop operating system here:
Install the drivers for the Metro Mini on your laptop
You will need to install the drivers for the Metro Mini to allow it to talk to your laptop. This allows you to burn code and send serial messages back and forth between the Metro Mini and your laptop.
The Metro Mini uses a specific USB Serial chip (the SiLabs CP2104). You will install the drivers for your laptop operating system.
Find the drivers for your laptop operating system here:
Note for Linux Users: No drivers should be required for your laptop to communicate with the Metro Mini. You should be able to skip this step, but if it doesn't work, there are drivers for Linux on the SiLabs page.
Setup the Arduino IDE to talk to the MetroMini
Now, you need to tell the Arduino IDE what type of board you are programming and what port (i.e. USB port) the board is on.
Plug in your Arduino using a USB cable to your laptop
open the Arduino IDE
Choose Tools -> Board -> Arduino/Genuino Uno
Choose Tools -> Port -> /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART (on MAC) | /dev/ttyUSB0 (on Linux) | COM3 (on Windows, could be another number)