SW Video Mix - CESNET/UltraGrid GitHub Wiki

Software video mix allows you to mix inputs from multiple sources at the sender to a single video that is sent to receiver.

There are 2 ways to run SW video mix, either with a config file called .ug-swmix.rc (in user home directory) or without it. The advantage of using config file is that you can specify exact position of individual video frames while without it it is configured automatically.

Without a config file

The command may look like:

uv -t swmix:1920:1080:25:UYVY -t <dev1_config> -t <dev2_config> [-t <dev3_config> ...]

First capture device specifies swmix properties. Second and further capture options specifies individual mixed devices (eg deltacast:1, decklink:0:10 etc.).

With a config file

UltraGrid is run with following command:

uv -t swmix:file -t <dev1_config> -t <dev2_config> ... 

You will need to have configuration file ~/.ug-swmix.rc similar to this:

dev1_config   0   0 960 540
dev2_config 960 540 960 540

First line specifies output video format of the swmix. Following lines specify position of individual inputs in format <device_config> <x> <y> <width> <height>.

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