Unit Testing: Automatic Thoughts V3 - CBTYoung/Documentation GitHub Wiki

import { AutomaticThoughts } from "../../../src/architecture/business_layer/modules/AutomaticThoughts";
const thought ="I'm pretty";
const setTh ="I'm pretty sad";
const date = new Date(Date.now());
let auto = new AutomaticThoughts(thought);
const response = "rsponse with important data";
const responseDate = new Date(Date.now()+1000);

function formatSummaryOneThought(date:Date,thought:string)
    return "Thought from "+date.toString()+":\n"+thought;

function formatSummaryOneThoughtWithResponse(date:Date,thought:string,resDate:Date,response:string)
    return "Thought from "+date.toString()+":\n"+thought+ "\nResponse from "+new Date(resDate).getDay()+"/"+new Date(resDate).getMonth()+ "/"+new Date(resDate).getFullYear()+": "+response;

1. Automatic Thoughts Summary Tests:

describe("AutomaticThoughts Summary tests", () => {
        auto = new AutomaticThoughts(thought);
    test('checking getsummary with thought', () =>{

    test('checking getsummary with set thought', () =>{

    test('checking getsummary with response', () =>{


Test 1.1: Checking getsummary With Thought

We want to check if we get the same thought formatted as we put in the report.

We expect their results to be identical.

Test 1.2: Checking getsummary With Set Thought

After we set a new thought, We want to check if we get the same thought formatted in the updated report.

We expect their results to be identical.

Test 1.3: Checking getsummary With Response

We want to check if we get the same response formatted as we put in the report.

We expect their results to be identical.