Unit Testing: Active Fill - CBTYoung/Documentation GitHub Wiki
import { ActiveFill } from "../../../../src/architecture/business_layer/modules/ReportStrategies/ActiveFill";
import { bodyParts, BodyPartSelection } from "../../../../src/architecture/business_layer/modules/ReportStrategies/BodyPartSelection";
describe("Active Fill tests", () => {
test('adding empty event', () => {
expect(() => new ActiveFill("")).toThrow(ActiveFill.emptyEventError);
test('adding empty event with all other variables filled', () => {
expect(() => new ActiveFill("", [],new BodyPartSelection(bodyParts.stomach), "my", "world")).toThrow(ActiveFill.emptyEventError);
test('adding correct event with all other variables filled', () => {
expect(() => new ActiveFill("feeling good", [],new BodyPartSelection(bodyParts.stomach), "my", "world")).not.toThrow(ActiveFill.emptyEventError);
test('adding correct event with body part selection', () => {
expect(() => new ActiveFill("feeling good", [],new BodyPartSelection(bodyParts.stomach), "my", "world")).not.toThrow(ActiveFill.emptyEventError);
describe("Active Fill Summary tests", () => {
test('checking get summary with all string data', () =>{
expect("The event:feeling good\nThe bodyPart: stomach\nThe thought: my\nThe response: world")
.toBe(new ActiveFill("feeling good", [],new BodyPartSelection(bodyParts.stomach), "my", "world").getSummary());
test('checking get summary with only event data', () =>{
expect("The event:feeling good")
.toBe(new ActiveFill("feeling good").getSummary());
test('checking get summary with only event and emotion data', () =>{
expect("The event:feeling good\nThe bodyPart: stomach")
.toBe(new ActiveFill("feeling good",[],new BodyPartSelection(bodyParts.stomach)).getSummary());
test('checking get summary with only event and body part data', () =>{
expect("The event:feeling good\nThe bodyPart: stomach")
.toBe(new ActiveFill("feeling good",[],new BodyPartSelection(bodyParts.stomach)).getSummary());