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Before the introduction of seed sowing machine, most seeds are planted by hand broadcasting, an impressive and wasteful process with a poor distribution of seeds and low productivity. With the help of seed sowing machine, seeds are distributed in rows however distance between each seed can be adjusted. This allows plants to get sufficient sunlight, nutrients and water from the soil. Before the operation of the seed drill, the ground must be plowed and harrowed. The use of seed sowing machine saves time of labour.



A seed sowing machine is a device that sows the seeds by positioning them in the soil and burying them to a specific depth, ensuring that the seeds are covered by soil.

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1. Automatic seed sowing and weed cutting machine It is operated by mobile it can move forward and backward.It can sow seeds and cut weeds automatically. Arduino, DC motors, IR sensor, Bluetooth Chip, Driver, Servo motor, 12v Battery, BreadBoard The proposed robot uses 4 motors for running it in desired directions.It is compeletely automated and smartly designed mechanical robotic system https://www.instructables.com/ https://www.irjet.net/
2. Automatic Seed Sowing Using Arudino It drills the seed at proper seeding rate and depth.It saves a lot of tedious manual work and speeds production work.It can be used for small scale farming Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, GSM Module, 6L298N Driver, DC motor It works on simple mechanism a battery operated DC motor.As the seed rotates, the seed drops in seed pipe https://www.researchgate.net/search https://learnmech.com/
3. Seed sowing bot using Arduino This project aims to design a completely automated seed sowing machine. Equipment that requires less human effort and time. Efficient seed sowing Arduino UNO, Breadboard, DC motors, 12V power supply, 3D printed parts, Laser cut parts The robot consists of a funnel like arrangement in order to pour seeds, It is designed to reduce wastage of seeds www.instructables.com www.nevonprojects.com www.youtube.com
4. Automatic seed sowing bot To Increase the accuracy of the seed sowing. Zero human interferance. Works remotely. Bluetooth. Battery, Arduino, 3D printed parts, Bluetooth module, Laser cutparts Autonomous agriculture system is controlled by microcontroller assembly , Microcontroller is used to control and monitor the process of system motion vehicle www.instructables.com www.irjet.net www.sciencedirect.com
5. Automatic seed sowing machine and fertilizer machine This project aims to design a automated seed sowing with fertilizer dropping. Efficient seed sowing and dropping fertilizers . Arduino,dc motor,screw,nuts,parts of machine(3d),battery(12v) Machine consists of 2 funnel like structure in order to sow seed and drop fertilizer. It is designed in manner to fasten the seed sowing and dropping fertilizers www.mechprojects.com
6. Automatic seed sowing machine with solar panel and watering This project aims to design a seed sowing machine which works on solar energy. also it helps in watering. Aurdino,dc motor,screws,nuts,machine parts,solar panel,battery. machine consists of 2 chambersin order to sow seed and also watering. It is designed to sow seeds with water www.proideas.com
7. seed sowing bot seed sowing robot is a device that helps in sowing of seeds in the desired position and hence its saves farmers time. motor, container, funnel, wheels, chain, screws the robot consists of funnel like arrangements. we use shaft with gear like bucket teeth to pick up limited quantity of seeds https://youtu.be/rsuicfwzfga
8. Seed sowing machine It is the most important process in farming it makes human effort less when we pour seeds in a funnel shaped structure and it pours in to the funnel and then on to ground. shaft,container,wheels,supporting frame,screws,motor,bearings,funnel,joints and fixtures. we use a small bracket for pouring seed.there we use a shaft with a gear like bucket teeth to pick up limited quantity of seed pour them on the ground in a steady manner quantity. the front of the robot can be further fitted with a bent plate that drags on the soil to make a slot ahead of the machine before seeds are poured in it. https://youtu.be/zje7rHNDD7c