7. MOTOR SIZING AND BATTERY SIZING - C-division-2021-2022-odd/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

7.1 Motor sizing :

By all the means of calculation, we got our total mass of our model to be 3.118kg, and also we got our mass for each sub-parts. therby we found the torque for eart part as shown below and acquired our respective Motor.

a) For moving unit :

weight = weight of the model = 3.118kg.
F = MA = 3.118*9.81 = 30.5564N
T = Fr = 30.5564*0.039 = 1.19kg-cm
As the torque is 1.19 our desired motor is of 100 RPM.

b) For rotating base :

weight = weight of the L1+L2+Gripper unit+2 Servo = 0.09kg.
F = MA = 0.09*9.81 = 1.47784N
T = Fr = 1.47784*5.072 = 7.49 KG-cm (approx=8)
As the torque is 8 our desired motor is of 15 RPM.

c) For 1st servo joint :

weight = weight of the robotic arm = 0.1508kg.
F = MA = 0.1508*9.81 = 0.08829N
T = Fr = 0.8829*15.24 = 1.3455 KG-cm
As the stall torque is 1.3 our desired motor is of Tower Pro MG 995.

d) For 2nd servo joint :

weight = weight of the robotic arm = 0.05kg.
F = MA = 0.05*9.81 = 0.04905N
T = Fr = 0.04905*12.7 = 0.809 KG-cm
As the stall torque is 0.8 our desired motor is of Tower Pro SG-90.

e) For gripper unit :

weight = weight of the robotic arm = 0.027kg.
F = MA = 0.027*9.81 = 0.02646N
T = Fr = 0.02646*5 = 0.1323 KG-cm
As the stall torque is 0.1 our desired motor is of Tower Pro SG-90.

7.2 Battery sizing :

Total rating :

Voltage Rating Current Rating
12 V 440mA
5V 2420mA

Applying the factor of safety:

FOS = 1.2

Voltage Rating Current Rating
12 v 528 mA
5V 3000 mA

Therfore for our course project, we use 2 Batteries, One of 5V and another of 12V.

Battery 1: 12V, 1A

Battery 2: 5V, 3A