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Sl.No List of Electronic components List of Mechanical Components Working Principle Function Team Member Name Link
1 Arduino Uno,Solar Panels,Mic Module,Speaker Module,Regulator Circuitry,Switches,LED’s,PCB Board,Resistors,Capacitors,Transistors,Cables and Connectors DC motor,Gears,Linkages and Arms,Pole and Mounts,Base Frame The mic in the system constantly monitors sound level in environment. As soon as a spike in sound levels is detected in the environment this signal is monitored by the controller and it triggers an action. The DC motor is powered which rotates and so does the entire arm mechanism A Scarecrow is used to scare the birds and to the animals to save the crop in the Fields Harsha K R https://nevonprojects.com/solar-scarecrow-project/
2 Relay,Solar pane,360º camera,Motor driver,DC Motor,Charging controller,Sensors,Buzzer,Battery Metal Pipes,Wood,Nut and Bolts,screws,Thin Steel Box flapping mechanism to move the smart scarecrow hands in upward and downward direction A Scarecrow is used to scare the birds and to the animals to save the crop in the Fields Harsha K R https://www.ijraset.com/research-paper/smart-agri-scarecrow#abstract
3 Flapping arms,DC motor,Battery,Nut&Bolt,Screws,Wires,connecting rod,structer support Arduino,UV sensor,PIR sensor,Buzzer,Connecting wires Flappingmechanism is used to move the Scarecrow arm in upward and downward direction. Their is a system that produces the sounds which scare the birds and other animals,With battery it will works and has camera to monitor the field. Scarecrow is normally used by farmers to save the crops from the bird Shoaib akhtar khazi https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360463676_AUTOMATIC_SCARECROW
4 IR sensor,Arduino uno,LED,Resistor Diode,Transistors,Microcontroller,Solar panels Motor,Gear,Linker,Frame,Metal pipes,Steel box the assistance of PIR sensor and move its hand up and down with the assistance of flapping mechanism and it'll start ringing with the assistance of buzzer Scarecrow is normally used by farmers to save the crops from the bird Shoaib khazi https://youtu.be/6tiJw6GGBTg
5 Buttons,Infrared sensor,Switches,Sockets,360* camera,light Tripod legs,base of scarecrow Infrared sensors will detect the birds and animals and start to generate ultrasonic wave Digital Scarecrow is used to scare the birds and animals Darshan S G https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.yankodesign.com/2009/04/28/brainless-heartless-scarecrows/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwj_w7v9uP77AhWT7zgGHdgWBeAQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3pPi2dcrlemSOIM8m2ERMu
6 DC motor, PIR sensor,switches,,sockets,elecric cables,wires Copper plate,Iron stick,base of frame,fan wings This system senses the birds by PIR sensor and start to rotate the wings then iron stick hits iron plate and start to make the sound and it will stop automatically It is used to scare away the birds Darshan S G https://youtu.be/B1hCf2rtoeM
7 Solar plane ,Bulb ,Camera ,Pir sensor ,Led,Transistora ,Resistors Nuts ,Bolts ,Metal box,Gear,Linker ,Steel box ,Pipes the assistance of pir sensor detect the birds and animals and start to work scare crow provides all time security Jnyanesh https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/am/pii/S0261219421001228
8 :fan wings, base of frame, motor, hear, linker, tripod legs motor, buttons,sockets,servo motor the system produces the sound which scare the birds and animals automatic scare crow is required to save the crops from the birds Jnyanesh https://youtu.be/7FzDVxl-XQM