Biome Overriding - BuildTheEarth/terraplusplus GitHub Wiki

Terra++ offers two functionalities to override the biomes. You can:

  • Set a fixed biome in an area (or bounds)
  • Replace a biome/'s in an area with another biome

To achieve either of the following first, download the biome_overrides.json5 but replace the extension from .json5 to .json, and place it in the biome_overrides folder, ex: .minecraft\terraplusplus\config\biome_overrides

For an easier identification of the biomes, use Biome/IDs before 1.13 (the Resource location column).

Open the file in a text editor and remove /* (line:2) and */ (line:25). Afterward follow the first or second step, depending on your desired result.

Set a biome in an area

First let's look at an example, of what the entire config would look like to set a fixed biome in an area.

        "biome": "minecraft:roofed_forest",
        "bounds": {
            "minX": 14.39590,
            "maxX": 14.47242,
            "minZ": 50.03900,
            "maxZ": 50.11610
        "priority": 100.0

The first key biome is the desired biome we want to set. In this example (as seen from the key-value here Biome/IDs before 1.13 (the Resource location column)), It's the biome Roofed Forest (or Dark Forest as It's called in newer versions of Minecraft). The second key bounds is the bounds of the area we want to set the biome to. The coordinates are in the WGS84 projection. minX and maxX are the longitude, while minZ and maxZ are the latitude. Lastly, make sure the key priority value is set to 100.0.

Replace a biome/biomes with another biome in an area

First let's look at an example, of what the entire config would look like to replace a biome with another one in an area.

        "biome": "minecraft:roofed_forest",
        "replace": [
        "bounds": {
            "minX": 14.39590,
            "maxX": 14.47242,
            "minZ": 50.03900,
            "maxZ": 50.11610
        "priority": 100.0

The first key biome is the desired biome we want to replace with. In this example (as seen from the key-value here Biome/IDs before 1.13 (the Resource location column)), It's the biome Roofed Forest (or Dark Forest as It's called in newer versions of Minecraft). The second key replace represent's a list of biomes we want to be replaced. In the above example, the biome Desert will be replaced with the biome Roofed Forest. The third key bounds is the bounds of the area we want to set the biome to. The coordinates are in the WGS84 projection. minX and maxX are the longitude, while minZ and maxZ are the latitude. Lastly, make sure the key priority value is set to 100.0.