Editing code in a nutshell - Brighton-FTC/FTC-2023 GitHub Wiki

๐Ÿฅœ Editing code: in a nutshell

Table of Contents
What's what in the code
Creating an OpMode
OpMode Examples
Testing Code

What's what in the code

1. Click the bar above the files and select "Android" 2. Please see the following diagram for the useful code files we can edit. They will be commented with documentation.
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  1. There are also external libraries not visible in this view. To show one, Ctrl+Click a reference to it in the code.
  • com.arcrobotics.ftclib FTCLib - our main library for hardware, etc. [Docs] [Reference]
  • com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware Hardware - Use FTCLib instead of these if you can. [Reference]

Creating an OpMode

โš ๏ธ Our method of creating an OpMode with our libraries is slightly different to the vanilla methods. Please be careful when looking at other documentation.

  1. Either:

a) Right-click the file and copy your OpMode from the external.samples folder, then paste it in our opModes folder (see above). Rename it (using CamelCaseWhereWordsAreJoinedLikeThis), click "OK", then comment out the @Disabled line (Ctrl+/)

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b) Right-click our opModes folder, create a new Java class, give it a name, and paste one of the templates below into the file. Click the first package line where an error may appear and then Alt+Enter and Enter, to fix it if necessary. Then, replace "<ClassName>" with the name you just used for the class.

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OpMode Examples

Driver-Controlled (Iterative)

package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.opModes;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;

import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.libs.brightonCollege.modeBases.TeleOpModeBase;

 * Description: [Fill in]
 * Hardware:
 *  [motor0] Unused
 *  [motor1] Unused
 *  [motor2] Unused
 *  [motor3] Unused
 *  [servo0] Unused
 *  [servo1] Unused
 *  [servo2] Unused
 *  [servo3] Unused
 * Controls:
 *  [Button] Function
@TeleOp(name="<OpMode name>", group="<OpMode group name>")
public class <ClassName> extends TeleOpModeBase {
    // Declare class members here

    public void setup() {
        // Code to run once after `INIT` is pressed

    public void every_tick() {
        // Code to run in a loop after `PLAY` is pressed

Autonomous (Iterative)

package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.opModes;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;

import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.libs.brightonCollege.modeBases.AutonomousModeBase;

 * Description: [Fill in]
 * Hardware:
 *  [motor0] Unused
 *  [motor1] Unused
 *  [motor2] Unused
 *  [motor3] Unused
 *  [servo0] Unused
 *  [servo1] Unused
 *  [servo2] Unused
 *  [servo3] Unused
@Autonomous(name="<OpMode name>", group="<OpMode group name>")
public class <ClassName> extends AutonomousModeBase {
    // Declare class members here

    public void setup() {
        // Code to run once after `INIT` is pressed

    public void every_tick() {
        // Code to run in a loop after `PLAY` is pressed

Autonomous (Linear)

package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.opModes;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ElapsedTime;

import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.libs.brightonCollege.modeBases.AutonomousLinearModeBase;

 * Description: [Fill in]
 * Hardware:
 *  [motor0] Unused
 *  [motor1] Unused
 *  [motor2] Unused
 *  [motor3] Unused
 *  [servo0] Unused
 *  [servo1] Unused
 *  [servo2] Unused
 *  [servo3] Unused
@Autonomous(name="<OpMode name>", group="<OpMode group name>")
public class <ClassName> extends AutonomousLinearModeBase {
    // Declare class members here
    private ElapsedTime runtime = new ElapsedTime();

    public void run() {
        // Code to run once INIT is pressed
        // Code to run once PLAY is pressed
        // Run until the driver presses STOP
        while (opModeIsActive()) {
        // Code to run in a loop
        telemetry.addData("Status", "Run Time: " + runtime.toString());

Please click a heading to view the code.

  1. You're now ready to use the OpMode! Here are some vital classes from our library:
  • Inputs.gamepad1 and Inputs.gamepad2 - the GamepadEx classes for getting inputs from the driver. Please use gamepad1 most of the time. (Only works in Driver-Controlled)
  • TelemetryContainer.getTelemetry() - returns a Telemetry object used to print messages to the driver.
  • HardwareMapContainer.getMap() - returns a HardwareMap needed in some situations, e.g. with FTCLib.
  • HardwareMapContainer.motor0 through to HardwareMapContainer.motor3 - returns a Motor plugged into the port indicated by the number.
  • HardwareMapContainer.servo0 through to HardwareMapContainer.servo3 - returns a Servo plugged into the port indicated by the number.

Testing Code

  1. Anywhere, when not connected to the robot, click "Build" to check that the code can compile.
1 - Build the project 2 - View the logs
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  1. Install the code onto the robot as shown here.

Finally, please make sure you save and upload your changes.

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