Brushes - Brennian/Arceon-1.14 GitHub Wiki
Permission: arceon.brushes
Aliases: /arcbrush /ab //ab
Erode Blend brush - UPDATED
Permission: arceon.brush.erodeblend
/arcbrush erodeblend <size> [type]
Erodes, then blend balls terrain.
Types: Fill, Smooth, Lift, Melt and Clear.
Permission: arceon.brush.cube
/arcbrush cube <block> [size] [snapeAngle] [height] [width]
Creates cuboid shapes, you can use [min],[max] for each size parameter.
snapeAngle = angle intervals the cubes snap on (has to be a divisor of 360)
-h flag makes it hollow
-c flag makes the height centered
-a flag makes it angled based on your orientation
Permission: arceon.brush.spike
/arcbrush spike <block> <length> <start> <end>
Uses convex selection.
Start and end = sphere size of start and end.
Length = Length of the spike.
-n flag adds noise to the spike shape.
Permission: arceon.brush.vine
/arcbrush vine <block> [size] [chance] [min][,[max]]
Chance = place chance in percentage.
Min and Max = vine length.
Permission: arceon.brush.crop
/arcbrush crop <size> <min> [max]
Min and max data values between 0 and 8.
Permission: arceon.brush.revolve
/arcbrush revolve <amount> [start] [end] [heightDiff]
Uses cuboid selection.
Start and end = angle of start and end in degrees.
HeightDiff = Height difference between start and end.
-p flag makes the rotations regular polygon shapes
-r flag makes the rotation reversed
Permission: arceon.brush.boulder
/arcbrush boulder <block> [size] [amount] [height] [width]
you can use [min],[max] for each size parameter.
Amount = smoothness from 0 to 5 (0 is low poly)
-h flag makes the rocks hollow
-f flag makes the rocks "fall" to the ground
-a flag makes the rocks angled based on your orientation