Lab 02 Network Management - Brandon-Duffy/SYS-265 GitHub Wiki
systemctl restart NetworkManager If manual IP isnt changing, "activate new connection" on NMTUI, deactivate ens192, and reactivate.
Overall this lab was quite straightforward, although I had run into some issues. For instance, when creating web01/nmon01 my IP was not being set by nmtui, which is what the above correction is.
SNMP services was quite simple, got that part to work flawlessly, and for the longest time I could not figure out how to restart SNMP on PfSense...when the refresh button was at the top of the page after you save the edits...
Adding the port 161/udp onto web01 did not work until after a good time of troubleshooting. Inside the snmpd.conf file I noticed my changes were not saved, the file was empty. After making the edits again, the changes finally saved and worked.
Deliverable 4 was easy, just replace "ad01-brandon" with the requested hostname and listen in on ens192.