VRAD ‐Basics - Bradleyp123/Kiwi-Source-OOT- GitHub Wiki
VRAD is Valves Command line Radiosity Calculator, it uses a radiosity algorithm to calculate light bouncing, this creates "Realistic" lighting.
VRAD subdivides the map into patches, in Radiosity these are called "Luxels" (lightPixel).
Pases, in VRAD Passes are how many times vrad dose the Ray Tracing, Higher number = Better Lightmap but Higher number = Longer compile time
Resources: https://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348b-00/lectures/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiosity_(computer_graphics) https://github.com/noodlecollie/gpurad/blob/master/How%20VRAD%20works.md