Nightly builds of the ActionScript & MXML extension for Visual Studio Code - BowlerHatLLC/vscode-as3mxml GitHub Wiki

Nightly builds of the ActionScript & MXML extension for Visual Studio Code are produced after every commit pushed to the vscode-as3mxml Github repository. You can find the latest nightly builds on the Actions page.

  1. On the Actions page, click on the newest successful Java CI workflow run.

  2. Find the Artifacts section for the workflow run, and download the vscode-as3mxml artifact.

  3. Extract to your file system. It contains a .vsix file.

  4. In Visual Studio Code, open the command palette by going to the View menu and selecting Command Palette....

  5. Run the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command.

  6. Choose the .vsix file that you extracted from the build artifact.