πŸ“ Personal Status Feature - BoiHanny/vrcosc-magicchatbox GitHub Wiki

The Personal Status feature of MagicChatbox allows you to display custom status messages that are visible in the chat window. You can share creative messages, update your current status, and even show when you're AFK. Below, we'll dive into the available options and features.

Personal Status Overview

In the main view, you can configure your personal status and manage various settings. This feature is available for both desktop and VR modes. Simply toggle the switch to enable your status.


Status Options


1. Status Prefix and Custom Icon

You can add a prefix symbol to make your status message stand out visually. There’s also the secret option to choose a custom icon for your status to give it a more personal touch.

  • Option: You can adjust the icon to your preference.

2. Status Cycle

It's possible to create multiple status messages and have them cycle automatically in the chat window. You can choose whether only specific, marked statuses should be cycled or if all statuses should rotate.

  • You can adjust the cycle interval in seconds.

3. AFK Detection

Another useful feature is automatic AFK detection. This feature will show your status as "AFK" when you've been inactive for a set period. This is especially handy if you're in VR and your inactivity needs to be detected.

  • Options like displaying the AFK icon and showing the AFK duration are available.

Status Management


In this section, you can manage your created status messages. You have the option to view your recently used statuses, your saved statuses, or sort them by creation date.

  • You can edit, delete, or mark statuses for automatic cycling.