Integration - BoTreeConsultingTeam/rails-tinymce-preview-demo GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the rails-tinymce-preview-demo wiki!

1.Add to Gemfile

gem 'tinymce-rails'

2.bundle install

3.Include the TinyMCE assets in application.js

//= require tinymce

//= require tinymce-jquery

4.Add to app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<%= tinymce %>

5.Add to app/views/pages/home.html.erb

<div id='preview'></div>

<%= image_tag "albert_einstein_genius_4020.jpg" %>

<%= text_area_tag :content, '',:class => "tinymce", :rows => 40, :cols => 120, id: 'content' %>

6.Create js file for TinyMCE options and events(tinymceoptions.js)

 - options for TinyMCE

     - selector: "textarea" --> This option allows you to specify a CSS selector for
			   the areas that TinyMCE should make editable.
     - plugins  --> plugins for TinyMCE editor
 - toolbar  --> Avaliable tools for content editing in TinyMCE editor
 - paste_data_images: true --> Allow image drag and drop in TinyMCE editor
 - menubar: false  --> for hide menubar in TinyMCE editor
  • Events
    • setup --> This option allows you to specify an event that will be executed before the TinyMCE editor instance is rendered.To specify a setup event, please provide the setup option with a javascript function. This function should have one argument, which is a reference to the editor that is being set up.

    • change event --> Fires when contents is modified in the editor

    • keyup event --> Fires when press key from keyboard.

7.Add tinymceoptions.js to application.js

//= require tinymceoptions

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️