Update Checker - BoBoBalloon/InnovativeItemsDOCS GitHub Wiki


When using any plugin, it is important to stay up to date with new changes so you are able to take advantage of new features and improve the quality of your server. But checking spigot constantly for new updates is quite annoying, this is where the update checker comes in.


The update checker is capable of checking if there is a new version of the plugin available without you visiting the spigot webpage.

When the plugin is first loaded when the server starts, if you have the update checker enabled, it will send a message along the lines of this depending whether or not you have an up to date version:

"You are currently running the newest version of the plugin!"

"You are currently running an outdated version of this plugin. You are currently on version {plugin-version}, while the newest version is version {new-version}!"

What you can do

If you are aware that a new version is available and you are not interested in updating the plugin, this message could become annoying to see. Because of this, there is an option in the main configuration file to disable the update checker.

To do this please go into the plugin root folder and go into the file named "config.yml", this is the main config file with many general options for the plugin. Once you are there, look for the option named check-for-updates. By default this option should be set to true, but by changing this value to false you can disable the update checker completely.

#If this value is true, whenever the plugin is enabled it will check if a new update is available#
check-for-updates: true