Toolbox Web - BlueSCSI/BlueSCSI-v2 GitHub Wiki


BlueSCSI Toolbox - Web Edition allows for you to control your BlueSCSI via a Web interface - from your phone, modern computer, or even your retro computer!

It supports mounting drive images, ejecting images, runtime configuration of the BlueSCSI, and a lot more.


The current status is Closed Alpha while we polish the UI and features.


How to set up

Desktop with qwiic connector

Connect the qwiic connector from the BlueSCSI Desktop to pins 6(SDA), 7(SDL), and 3.3v, GND of the Toolbox Pico-W. This will allow i2c communication between the two.

Wire up as shown:


Flash the BlueSCSI-Toolbox-Web.uf2 to the Toolbox Pico-W.

Flash the BlueSCSI with the matching provided i2c BlueSCSI firmware.

The Web Toolbox will grab the SSID and Password from the BlueSCSI's ini file defined the same way it is for Daynaport networking.

[!NOTE] Your BlueSCSI does not have to be Wi-Fi enabled, only the Toolbox Pico must have Wi-Fi.


Power up your BlueSCSI - your BlueSCSI Toolbox web sever should also be powered up via i2c. It is connected and ready once the LED is solid green.

If your network supports mdns (most do) you should be able to access the BlueSCSI Web Toolbox at http://bluescsi.local once the LED light on the Toolbox Pico-W is solid.

[!NOTE] This is http not http*s* - some modern web browsers will attempt to redirect you to https, so type in the full address.

You may access it via IP. You may need to connect the Toolbox Pico via Serial USB and grab the IP. If you have an i2c 1306 screen hooked up it will display the IP.

Known Issues and coming features

  • Bug: Accessing the site before the http server starts (LED is on) may cause it to crash (bug in LWIP)
  • Bug: Displayed logs are truncated
  • Bug: Free Space is reported incorrectly
  • Bug: Create Drive does not check free space
  • Bug: Create Drive images are not zeroed out or formatted
  • Bug: Unable to re-enable images (only disable)
  • Continue to polish UI.
  • Feature: Generic file management in UI (backend done)
  • Feature: Upload small files to the BlueSCSI SD card.
    • Note: i2c is not fast, so this will be limited in size.
  • Feature: Download small files from the BlueSCSI SD card.
    • Note: i2c is not fast, so this will be limited in size.
  • Task: cleanup and buffer commands on BlueSCSI side.
  • Task: cleanup logging