Quirks - BlueSCSI/BlueSCSI-v2 GitHub Wiki
Quirks is a setting that allows BlueSCSI to emulate differences vendors may have that may be required for different vintage machines.
This can be set per-device in the bluescsi.ini file.
Note: Quirks only changes SCSI behaviors, not any format of images.
Apple Quirks - Adds an Apple vendor page so drives work with Apple utilities.
- Changes the vendor to Quantum.
- Does a read-only check of Hard Disk images to see if they are valid.
This mode is compatible with most other systems as well - hence why it is the default.
None No vendor specific quirks added.
OMNI - OMTI non-standard LINK control.
- Non standard REQUEST SENSE response.
- Fixes for Tape drive support on OMNI.
XEBEC - Provides many vendor specific commands.
- Adds selection workarounds.
VMS - Work around for allocation length of inquiry.
X68000 - Non Standard 0x00 command.