Know the Difference Between Interior and Exterior Paint Before Commissioning a House Painting Sutherland Shire Job - Blogmasters/Services GitHub Wiki
Know the Difference Between Interior and Exterior Paint Before Commissioning a House Painting Sutherland Shire Job
As a homeowner who’s contemplating a house painting Sutherland Shire job, you can obtain better results and a higher value for the money you pay if you are aware of the differences between interior and exterior paints. The information will allow you to appreciate the insights that the painters share.
Exterior paint contains chemicals to make it weatherproof so that it can protect the walls from wind, rain, heat, snow, and sleet. Exterior paint is durable and lasts for years without chipping or cracking. To this end, it may contain resins that prevent peeling. Exterior paint also contains mildecides prevent the growth of mold and mildew. The additives used in exterior paint gas out slowly and this makes them unsafe for use as interior paint.
Interior paint is not waterproof and while it can be scrubbed it is not as durable as exterior paint. It does not contain volatile compounds in the same concentration as exterior paints and therefore can be used safely inside a house. Interior paints use organic pigments that are not harsh; however, these pigments can fade fast and cannot stand direct sunlight.
Exterior paints use acrylic as a bonding agent while interior paints contain epoxy or silicone. Talk to the painting business you wish to hire to gain further perspective about the best type of exterior or interior paint for your needs.