Dev Pull Request Workflow - Biogen-Inc/tidyCDISC GitHub Wiki

General PR Info

  • For development PRs (which are 99% of all PRs), the team works off the devel branch.
  • When starting on a new task/issue, base your branch off devel to start.
    • when possible, name the branch with your initials and the GitHub issue number you plan to tackle. For example, to tackle issue 199, Aaron Clark would create a branch called ac-199.
    • It’s less preferred for you to fork the repo and submit a PR from a branch on your personal GitHub.
  • FYI - when we're ready to release a new version of the package, we'll merge devel into master and increment the version number to a new minor/major release.
  • On your 2nd PR, add your info to the DESCRIPTION file with role [ctb] which stands for "contributor". You can update your role to [aut] which stands for "author" when you've completed all of the following achievements:
    • submitted your 6th PR
    • its been at least 6 months since your first commit
    • have committed 1,000 lines of code
  • For a PR to be eligible for merge, you must have:
    • At least 1 review approval
    • All conversations resolved
    • All GitHub actions workflows passing

PR checklist:

  • Submit PR's to devel branch.
  • If the PR’s is a work-in-progress, please convert it to “draft” until ready for review.
  • Did I Increment the dev version using usethis::use_version("dev") and update the file with a bullet point or two describing the changes, linking to the GitHub issue when possible?
  • In the PR body, did I describe the problem or at least reference it using #? This info should be in as well.
  • Did I describe the solution? This could be in as well, if you think the users need to know.
  • Did my solution include a new function? Did I write a unit test for that function?
  • Is there an opportunity to show a screenshot of the problem & solution? If so, please include it. It helps everyone’s comprehension of the problem and shows what you are observing first hand.
  • Did I run run_dev.R recently, to update any & all .Rd files?
  • Are there any failed GitHub Actions workflows. If so, please resolve!
  • Are there any merge conflicts? Please resolve!
  • Did I assign a couple reviewers to the PR?
    • If you feel someone would be a preferred reviewer for your PR, you can ask to look at it. Otherwise…
    • Who created the issue? They would likely be a good reviewer.
    • Otherwise, feel free to add 2-3 people with the hopes that one of them is free to give it a look.
    • Note only 1 review is needed to merge (unless you or the group feels another is warranted)