Testing - BilalSh10/Ekhtar-Al-Saadah GitHub Wiki

Test ID Description Pre-condition Test steps Test data Expected results Actual results Pass/Fail
Check the subscribing to website emailing list functionality Check response on entering a valid email address that is not already registered in the database. User must be on the website. 1. Website visitor fills his email address in the relevant input field in the footer. 2. Then presses the “Subscribe” button. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] This alert is shown to the visitor: You were just added to our contact list! Then the email is saved in the database. Alert: You were just added to our contact list! Then the email is saved in the database. Pass
Check the subscribing to website emailing list functionality Check response on entering a valid email address that is already registered in the database. User must be on the website. 1. Website visitor fills his email address in the relevant input field in the footer. 2. Then presses the “Subscribe” button. [email protected] This alert is shown to the visitor: You are already registered to our mailing list. Alert: You are already registered to our mailing list. Pass
Check the subscribing to website emailing list functionality Check response on entering an invalid email address. (We mean of invalid REGEX format not if it exists) User must be on the website. 1. Website visitor fills his email address in the relevant input field in the footer. 2. Then presses the “Subscribe” button. www.yahoo.com, www.sth.com This alert is shown to the visitor: This email address is invalid! Alert: This email address is invalid! Pass
Check the submitting a review functionality Check response on entering a valid review (that contains textual information) User must be on the website. 1. Website visitor enters the “Submit a review” page through the link in the footer. 2. The visitor fills his review in the input textbox section. 3. Then presses the “Submit review” button. “Review content is sth sth” Your review was successfully saved! Review is saved in the database. Alert: Your review was successfully saved! Review is saved in the database. Pass
Check the submitting a review functionality Check response on entering an empty review User must be on the website. 1. Website visitor enters the “Submit a review” page through the link in the footer. 2. Then presses the “Submit review” button. Empty string This alert is shown to the visitor next to the input textbox: ! Please fill out this field This alert is shown to the visitor next to the input textbox: ! Please fill out this field Pass
Check the submitting a review functionality Check response on internet connection problem from the visitor’s side User must be on the website. 1. Website visitor enters the “Submit a review” page through the link in the footer. 2. The visitor fills his review in the input textbox section. 3. Then presses the “Submit review” button. “Review content is sth sth” This alert is shown to the visitor: You have an internet connection problem! This alert is currently shown to the visitor: Failed to fetch Fail
Check the fill donation form functionality Check response on website visitor filling properly the donation form User must be on the website. 1. Website visitor enters the “Donate” page through the link in the navigation bar. 2. The visitor fills his name, phone number, email address, and a description textbox. 3. Then presses the “Send” button. Name: xx, Phone number: 000000000, Email: [email protected], Description: “I would like to donate sum of XX to the organization” This alert is shown to the visitor: Your data was sent, we will contact you soon! The form is sent to the website’s email address This alert is shown to the visitor: Your data was sent, we will contact you soon! The form is saved in the database Fail
Check the viewing reviews functionality Check response on website visitor requesting the reviews page User must be on the website. Website visitor enters the “Reviews” page through the link in the footer. No input involved The reviews are retrieved from the database and are exhibited on the page. The reviews are retrieved from the database and are exhibited on the page. Pass
Check the viewing reviews functionality Check response on website visitor requesting the reviews page while not having a suitable connection to the internet User must be on the website. Website visitor enters the “Reviews” page through the link in the footer. No input involved An alert is shown to the user: You have an internet connection problem. A page of this content is shown to the user:
Check the viewing reviews functionality Check response on website visitor requesting the reviews page while there is a problem in retrieving the data from the database (from the backend side) User must be on the website. Website visitor enters the “Reviews” page through the link in the footer. No input involved An alert is shown to the user: There is an error from the server side, please retry this operation in few minutes A page of this content is shown to the user:
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