Skin Install Guide (DDS) - BigSpice/TitanFall-2-Skin-Modding GitHub Wiki
Download zxcPandroa's SkinTool ( and extract/unzip the downloaded folder. Lastly, run the application file (.exe), named Titanfall2-SkinTool (Download link):
Make sure to backup pc_stream.starpak (found within titanfall2\r2\paks\Win64) in a memorable place. This is needed to delete all installed skins to allow new ones to be installed, by simply replacing the original pc_stream.starpak with your backup (for some skins, replacing your pc_stream.starpakmay not be needed, as the new skin may simply lay over the old skin with no issue. You are free to try this with every skin beforehand, instead of replacing your file)
Note: a few skins are not SkinTool compatible. Owners of these skins may say in their post if it isn't
Note: skins may not appear within the customization screen or within the multiplayer lobby. Please enter a server or a personal private match to check them out
Note: you cannot have more than one skin on a weapon
Note: skins may not appear to be working or may be partially seen clipping through the gun's original skin. Please select "no camo" on the weapon, and ensure that Texture Filtering is set to Anisotropic 8x or, if not, Anisotropic 16x, and also ensure that your Texture Streaming Budget matches your GPU's capacity (the game will mention if the option you have set has exceeded your GPU's capacity)