Home - BigBang1112/gbx-net GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the GBX.NET wiki!
GBX.NET is an open-source project made by the community for the community to make offline magic with Nadeo games. The project started on June 22, 2020, locally on BigBang1112's computer, as a hobbyist discovery that developed into one of the best Gbx file parsers in the open-source community in a matter of a few months.
Before you start going through practical tutorials, I highly recommend you check the Essentials page that covers the Readme information in depth.
Thank you for your interest. If you don't like this parser or you're just interested, I've prepared documentation to get you started with parsing Gbx. To see how you can read all of the already known chunks, there's also a dedicated page here.
Working with mysterious binary files was my dream as a kid and this dream has come true thanks to this project.