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Model Installation
AlaCC model comes in three zipped folders shown below. They need to be unzipped first.
The contents of these folders are as follows:
AlaCC_Inputs: Scenario input files for 2015, 2020, 2035 and 2050
AlaCC_Model: A branch of MTC’s travel-model-one repository
AlaCC_Software: All required software bundled here, except Cube
These folders can reside anywhere in the computer. They need not be in the fastest drive. AlaCC Inputs and AlaCC Model folder is not used during a model run. Those two folders are used only during the scenario creation step. AlaCC Software is used during model run – e.g., for referencing the R executable.
Scenario Creation
Scenario can be created for the four different years that are provided. Easy batch files are included for each of the four years. They are inside AlaCC_Model\model-files folder. E.g. createScenario_2015.bat. Contents of createScenario_2015.bat is shown below.
Batch file is calling SetUpModel_PBA50.bat with “2015” as parameter. Logs of the scenario creation batch file written to SetUpModel_PBA50.log. It is a good practice to check this log file after scenario creation step has run (Takes less than a minute) to ensure there are no errors.
Before running scenario creation batch file – important to set path and computer setting!
Running the Model
Once the scenario is created, to run the model, goto the scenario root folder. E.g. D:\Models\BCM\2015_BaseY_BCM2015. Double click the batch file click_to_runmodel.cmd. It is a shortcut to run the following command
It runs RunModel.bat – the main controller for the model run. Detailed log file written to RunModel.log file in the same folder (will be ~50 MB by end of the run). Concise log file written to logs\feedback.rpt.