Literature - Berkeley-MDes/24f-desinv-202 GitHub Wiki
- The Design of Everyday Things
- Discursive Design: Critical, Speculative, and Alternative Things
- Thinking in Systems: A Primer
- Closing the Loop: Systems Thinking for Designers
- The Architecture Machine: Toward a More Human Environment
- Value Sensitive Design: Shaping Technology with Moral Imagination
- Bauhaus Futures
- Hawkins: Diving into the Reasoning Behind our Design System
- John Maeda: Design in Tech Report 2015 / 2016
Design Communication
- The UML User Guide
- Mayfield Handbook: Guidelines on the presentation of figures
- The Hardware Hacker
- The Secret Life of Pots
- The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
- Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers
Software & Libraries
- Overview of Programming Books, sorted by expertise level
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- The Nature of Code
- How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability
- Code Complete
- Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
- a Unified Communications Framework for Music, Intermedia and Cloud Interaction
- Dynamic Message-Oriented Middleware with Open Sound Control and Odot
Emergent Technologies
- Can AI Think in Systems?
- What Computers Still Can't Do
- The Age of Spiritual Machines
- Cybernetics and Design: Conversations for Action
- The Relevance of Cybernetics to Design and AI Systems
- Models of Models
- What is Interaction? Are There Different Types?
- Biomedia: The Age of Media With Life-like Behavior
- Designing for Emerging Technologies
Note: all literature is optional