Operators and other constants - BenWare-FED/Python GitHub Wiki
Arithmetic Operators:
addition = +
subtraction = -
multiplication = *
true(complete) division= / The output of this operator will always be a float ex 15/4= 3.75 16/4 = 4.0
Integer division or quotient after long division=// The output will always be an integer
remainder after long division = % The output will always be an integer 15%4 = 3
exponent = ** ex: 2**3 is 2 cubed
greater than = >
greater than or equal to = >=
less than = <
less than or equal to = <=
equal to = == Important note: a single = will be used to assign a variable a value
not equal to !=
Logical operators
Both inputs and outputs are always booleans
make sure that everything is grouped ex if (original_scale == 'C') or (original_scale == 'c'):
and: Both inputs must be true for the output to be true
or: Output is true if one input is true
not: Output is false if the input is true