Stampede 2 - BenLangmead/jhu-compute GitHub Wiki

We have access to the Stampede 2 resource at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). To get an account to use it, you must:

  • Create an account on the XSEDE user portal
  • Send me an email, that includes your username, requesting that I add you to the relevant projects

When you want to access any XSEDE resource, including Stampede, you first have to log into, the XSEDE single sign-on hub. If you are just starting out with XSEDE resources, I recommend you read the information on the single sign-on page.

So to log into Stampede 2, you take two steps:

  • ssh -l <user>
  • gsissh -p 2222 <user>

More documentation on Stampede 2:

To perform data transfers into and out of XSEDE resources, including Stampede 2, you will need a sign up for a globus account, and you will need to add your XSEDE account to your globus profile. Relevant instructions:

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