HHPC Storage - BenLangmead/jhu-compute GitHub Wiki


Home directory

Your home directory is a great place to store relatively small, but valuable data. Home directories are subject to a quota (limit) of 200 GB. You can check your quota as well as percent used using quota:

[langmead@login ~]$ quota
Disk quotas for user langmead (uid 2670): 
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
                17345868  209715200 209715200          155334       0       0        

That's a bit hard to read, so I like to do this:

[langmead@login ~]$ quota | tail -1 | awk '{print "Quota: "($2/1024/1024)"GB"; print 100.0*$1/$2"% used"}'
Quota: 200GB
8.27115% used

Scratch partitions

The lab has three large partitions for temporary and semi-permanent storage. You can access these partitions from any HHPC node (worker or dedicated):

  • /scratch0/langmead-fs1: 24 TB
  • /scratch1/langmead-fs1: 28 TB
  • /scratch2/langmead-fs1: 28 TB

These partitions are not backed up. If you generate important results that would be hard to recreate if you lost them, make sure you either (a) copy them to the other not-backed-up partition, for redundancy, or better yet (b) copy it to a partition that is backed up, like your home directory. You should assume that a scratch partition will completely fail every few years, losing all data. Don't rely on them!