Download dbGaP (protected) data from SRA - BenLangmead/jhu-compute GitHub Wiki

This page documents the specific issues with downloading dbGaP (protected) data from SRA.

This does NOT cover TCGA/CCLE/TARGET data from the GDC. That is an entirely separate process covered here.

For the general approach to downloading data from SRA, please see the Download data from SRA page first:

While the download/convert mechanisms are the same for public and protected data (as documented in the page referenced above), the additional nuances of protected data can potentially add significant trouble to the process.

Setting up your dbGaP project secure key

First, you need to "import" the correct key for SRA-tools to use via vdb-tools in the compute environment where you're doing the downloading. This is a per-project key. So you'll have a different key for GTEx than for some other dbGaP project.

This project key should be downloadable from dbGaP after 1) logging in using your eRA/other dbGaP username/password and 2) gaining access to a specific dbGaP protected project (e.g. GTEx). The exact flow is:

  • Click on the "dbGaP Data Browser" from the dbGaP main page
  • Click the "My Projects" sub-tab under the "Authorized Access" tab (this should be default), you should then see a list of projects your dbGaP user is authorized to download from
  • To the far right of the project you want to download from there should be a list of links, click the last one "get dbGaP repository key"

The key filename will look something like: prj_8716_D19642.ngc

where the 8716 denotes the project ID and it'll have what is essentially a password string (mine has 16 characters) within it.


This is the key file to import into SRA Tools. You should use vdb-config -i to 1) import the key file and 2) update the path of the destination where you plan to at least initially download the SRA files.

Once imported, it will create a new file in the config directory, e.g.: $HOME/.ncbi/dbGap-8716.enc_key

Once you've run vdb-config -i initially, you can also directly edit the $HOME/.ncbi/user-settings.mkfg to at least change paths, despite the warning not to do this.

Determining the correct project filesystem path to download to

Second, you need to be careful about the filesystem path you download/convert the protected data to/in using prefetch and fastq-dump.

If you're not, you will receive errors of the type:

prefetch.2.9.1 err: query unauthorized while resolving query within virtual file system module - failed to resolve accession 'SRR1440541' - Access denied - please request permission to access phs000424/GRU in dbGaP ( 403 )

(substituting the version of prefetch/run_accession/study_accession you're using)

This is referenced in this issue:

and appears very briefly in the dbGap-specific section of the SRA-tools official wiki (near the end):

The best approach is to initially configure SRA-tools to use the actual path you want to download the dbGaP data to; e.g. probably a filesystem which is 1) large and 2) performant for concurrent read/writes (such as a Lustre-based FS).

  • The directory referenced in the SRA-tool configuration (e.g. via vdb-config -i) needs to be the parent of all download directories/files for the specific dbGaP project
  • The directory cannot be NFS mounted

Contrary to my previous understanding, the path in the configuration does NOT need to have the dbGaP-<projID> as part of its path.

You may also want to use a symlink.


This does work, however, the non-NFS FS requirement still applies and it still needs to be the root of all downloads/conversions.

This becomes slightly trickier when run within a container (Docker/Singularity).

The way to do this in a container is to create the "root" path referenced in the vdb-config for the specific dbGaP project to be a symlink to a path within the container where the data will be saved.

The path will be marked as broken by the filesystem outside of the container, but as long as it's valid within the container this is fine. This path can then separately be mapped via the container to a real filesystem path elsewhere.

An example of this on MARCC for GTEx is (where $HOME is my MARCC home directory):


which in turn is symlinked to:


which only resolves inside a properly configured Singularity container. This may not work with Docker due to home directories not being automatically mounted in Docker containers.

For Docker, you may need to reconfigure SRA Tools via vdb-config -i (or directly editing the config file as above) to ensure that the key file path (e.g. $HOME/.ncbi/dbGap-8716.enc_key) and download data root directory (e.g. <prefix>/storage/cwilks/recount-pump/recount/dbGaP-8716 below) are on a path visible to the Docker container.

In the Monorail (recount-pump portion) pipeline, the creds/cluster.ini for this example GTEx run on MARCC looks like:


(<prefix> used to obscure full path for security reasons)

SRA/vdb-config Problems

Listed here are a few problem you might encounter when trying to get dbGaP downloads to work via SRA tools (by error).

Ongoing access denied errors

First I've noticed on some systems (e.g. JHPCE) that unless you're running the prefetch command under the authorized download directory as your current working directory, the download will still result in an access denied error. This is not true on MARCC even for the same version of SRA-toolkit.

The fix then on these systems is to temporarily cd into the authorized download directory, run the prefetch command, then cd back to your original working directory (using pushd <authorized_download_dir> ; prefetch ... ; popd is a convenient way to do this).

If you think you've done everything above correctly, but are still getting an ...Access denied - please request permission to access... error, redownload and re-import your dbGaP key, it may be out of date/corrupted for some reason. To do this cleanly, it's best to completely remove your current SRA tools/vdb-config and start from scratch, then import the new key as if for the first time, otherwise, vdb-config may not update anything.

Re-creating SRA tools config directory error

If in the process of resetting your SRA tools configuration (as in the problem above), you might get an error about setting config in $HOME, this appears to be related to the directory permissions of the $HOME/.ncbi directory, best to remove it, then recreate it with default permissions, then try vdb-config -i again.

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